Friday, December 9, 2011

What an End to a Semester

Though I wish I could say I finished this semester strong, I can at least say I finished it (which was definitely questionable for a while). I wrote my last paper on Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and though it was not as enjoyable as watching the movie, I still found some joy in writing it.

It reminded of the times my dad would take my brother and I to work with him and set us up in the HUGE conference room. We would pick a movie and then he'd press a bunch of meaningless buttons and it would magically project on the wall. Often times we were treated with free candy from the concessions room and cuddle time with dad if he finished work early... I miss a lot of things about home when I'm away at college but I miss my dad more than anything else. I can't wait until I can see him even if it's only for a few days.

The original movie is a million times better than the new one. (and the book is great too)
*the next paragraph may gross some people out... proceed with caution*
So everyone's heard of the 24 hour flu (or some other kind of sickness) right? Well I got to experience all 24 hours of it on the day my last final was due UGH! Around 9:00pm my stomach started to feel odd but I chalked it up to the finals week diet that mostly included junk food and soda (two things that I try to avoid and usually do). But around 11:00pm I knew something other than cheetohs, pizza, and soda were upsetting my stomach. From 11:00pm until noon the following day I had to drag myself to the bathroom every 30min to throw up. The vomiting finally ended around 12:30pm but then came the "everything hurts,  I don't have enough energy to open my eyes, nothing sounds good, and I just want my daddy" feeling. My roommates brought me saltine crackers and ginger ale before heading home for the holidays (I'm staying in Wyoming for most of my break). I didn't leave my room, eat (except 5 saltine crackers), or do anything that required movement (even sleeping hurt at times) all day. Then, EXACTLY 24 hours later at 9:00pm, I felt 90% better (clear headed but a bit weak and tired). I felt even better this morning and was able to write two papers to finish off my semester. I slept for nearly 19 hours of the last 24 but I definitely don't feel like I did considering I'm still tired. Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow so hopefully I'm all better by then and can love on some old people in a way that shows them God's beautiful love.


Special K said...

Awwww. I'm so sorry you got sick. That stinks, and it's even worse when you aren't with family. Once I got the flu, and my sister dropped off some homemade soup. But she LITERALLY dropped it off - left it on the porch, rang the doorbell and left. She said she didn't want the flu too! I'm glad it only lasted 24 hours. :)

Z said...

I'm so sorry you got the flu, it's never fun... I had the same thing you did but the week right before finals, I hated it so much!