Friday, April 15, 2011


I look forward to the day when...

-School is a thing of the past and no one remembers what my GPA was

-I've figured myself out enough to be comfortable with a guy who thinks my imperfections are to die for

-my idea of relax doesn't mean a day off of soccer and an extra hour of sleep while I regret not getting work done

-laundry doesn't cost $4.00 per load and the clothes aren't even clean (they just smell better)

-I have my own dog who wags his tail and jumps around the moment I walk in the door even when I was only gone for a few minutes

-my brother and I are more than relatives

-winter only stays for a few weeks and the temperature stays in the 70s

-texting, laptops, facebook, and skype are obsolete and talking to people face to face doesn't make people uncomfortable

-the world stops caring about each other's outfits and starts caring more about each other as people.

-reaching out for help is a sign of strength

AND I look forward to the day when

-heaven isn't just a dream but a reality

1 comment:

Z said...

Carmen I love the way you think and how you are always pursuing amazing things for your life. Oh, and I love you too!