Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Thankful Days #3: Beloved

Once again, I'm linking up with Dawn over at theGoodlife and sharing what I'm thankful for today!

Today I'm thankful for the Kay Arthur study that a friend and I are going through. We're only on week two but it's INCREDIBLE. Every word and verse mentioned in this week's study spoke right to my heart... Have you ever felt like you can feel God changing your heart the very moment your read or hear something?... All I have time to say about it now is that being called "My beloved" by the Creator of the Heavens and Earth is quite possibly the best feeling in the world and knowing that I am simply "justified in faith" has made me feel of worth for the first time in a while. God is so good!!


Kay K said...

We our doing fruits of the spirit with Beth Moore and our next study will be with Kay Aruthur , Beth and Priscilla Sharier . cant wait
I really would like to do just a Kay Arthur study

dawn said...

I'm so glad you are studying God's word with a friend and being blessed by it. What a great thing to be thankful for!

LeAnn said...

I have not done this study but I have done others and loved them! Is is such a blessing to hear about someone that is being so moved by a bible study. I am blessed and encouraged. Thanks!

Z said...

I am so excited that you are learning and growing so much in this study. Love you!