Saturday, November 5, 2011

30 Thankful Days #4 and #5: Blessings

It has been such a blessing to be a part of 30 Thankful Days, as I know first hand how hard life is when I fail to find things to praise Him for. Go check out theGoodlife for more information on how to get involved. I promise you won't regret it.

So I missed yesterday but I feel that I have a good reason. Wyoming Women's soccer beat SDSU to advance to the finals and our day here in New Mexico was full of excitement and energy. Needless to say I  had a hard time slowing down even to write a few lines though I definitely was thankful for many things yesterday.

So on my fourth day of thankful days, though soccer was definitely the highlight, I was/am thankful for my phone :) Well actually I'm thankful for all the friends that I can dial up on a moment's notice just to hear them say "you're going to be ok." Yesterday, despite all the excitement that winning brought me, I had a mental breakdown about school and where my grades are at. It's humbling to admit how poorly I'm doing in school but I think that is a part of God's plan in this... to humble myself so that I see Him as my everything. In the midst of my tears and regret I had plenty of friends to remind me that no matter if I drop out of school or if I'm the top of my class I have people (and a God) who love me just the same. I'm so thankful that I have people to remind me that I am "justified by faith" alone like I mentioned in day 3.

Day 5 I'm thankful for something that happened yesterday but I didn't realize it until today (I don't know if that counts but I'm doing it). I'm thankful for the song "Times" by Tenth Avenue North. It was such a blessing to me yesterday in calming my nerves about soccer and in reminding me where my value is when I was stressing out about school. Through these lyrics I've felt God's love and mercies wash over me. He knows all of my sins and loves me the same. His love never ends
Times by Tenth Avenue North

Her are some of the lyrics from the song Times (I've bolded a few of the lines that have been a blessing to me)
Well my love is over
It's underneath
It's inside
It's in between

The times that you're healing
And when your heart breaks
The times that you feel like you've fallen from grace 

The times you're hurting
The times that you heal
The times you go hungry and are tempted to steal

In times of confusion
In chaos and pain
I'm there in your sorrow under the weight of your shame 

I'm there through your heart-ache
I'm there in the storm
My love I will keep you by my power alone 

I don't care where you've fallen or where you have been
I'll never forsake you
My love never ends


Z said...

I loved this song and so thank you for highlighting some key words for me. I love you and congrats! I'll be praying for you.

dawn said...

Congrats to you and your team! Awesome!

I don't know this song...thanks for sharing it.

Love you!